I'm loving the fact that now I can open my car windows and smell the fresh air while I''m driving. As much as I love it I am reminded of how hot summer will be when we have afternoons of 80+ degrees.
I'm looking forward to kayaking with my husband on the
Rappahannock river here in Fredericksburg. On my last outing I had a dragonfly take a long ride with me on my little red Kayak.
This particular cake was a first birthday cake for a little girl. The cupcakes were meant to match with lilac colors. I included some purple flowers to make the lilac pop more. The monogram was made out of royal icing in the font of the invitations. I sprinkled it with lilac disco dust. It was like adding glitter in kindergarten class, too much fun. The side designs were copied as best as I could from the intricate design on the invitations.
The cake was a white cake with raspberry preserves and swiss merengue buttercream. The cupcakes were my popular chocolate chip chocolate cake.